Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Dictionary

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shanghai 101 - Week 4

Some things we didn't know that we have (kinda) figured out...

1.  What in the hell does this mean?  What kind of soap is it?  Does it have bleach in it?  Will it make my skin fall off?  These are things I won't know unless we give it a go...
Jeff bought this bottle because it was the same
shape as one I use in Melbourne...
Only, the words on the bottle are somewhat different.
2.  Sometimes when you order "chicken" on the menu, you get at least a half a chicken...the whole chicken - head, neck, body, legs, foot.  Sometimes you don't.  It's pretty much a crap shoot as to what you get.  I've ordered the same soup for lunch at the same restaurant two different times and gotten two different chicken treatments - one time it was shredded chicken breast, the next time it was half of a boiled chicken - skin, bones, meat, and all.  Makes ordering like playing may be a winner, you may be a loser.

3.  Breakfast in a western hotel is always good or better than good.  If all else fails and you don't know what to eat or when you'll have a western meal again, head to a Marriott/Sheraton/Renaissance and go for breakfast.  You'll pay for it dearly, but you'll get a great brekkie.

4.  There is a lot of paperwork to file to live here, and you have to file it many times with many different departments.  BUT, it seems as though we're least for right now! <<update...we're not exactly finished.  They need our passports again for another 3 - 5 days...>>
Waiting, waiting, waiting...for more paperwork.
5.  Dogs wear puffy coats, too.  And sometimes sneakers.  If it is the last picture I ever take, I will get a picture of a dog in a puffy coat with sneakers.

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