Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Dictionary

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Australia Day...A bit Late!

The good ol' Aussie's celebrated Australia Day over the last weekend in January.

Last year, we were at the Australian Open Tennis Tournament.
2012 - It was so hot this day - we were so glad we were in the shade.
2012 - Love the photo-bomber behind us.
This year, we were in a bar in Shanghai watching the final match.  Just a little different ambiance.

There were guys two tables over that were chain-smoking, and I'm not exaggerating (two guys in the top-center of the photo - jerks).  Lighting one cigarette from the last.  It was gross.  Restaurant #2 that we left early because of how much people around us were smoking.  Not sure we'll ever get used to this.
Our first attempt at ordering salsa in was
okay, but not anywhere near as good as Ericka's!

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