Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Dictionary

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Better Safe than Sorry...

As part of our lease, our landlord was to provide a safe.  In it, we will keep all of our paperwork...and there is a lot of paperwork. (another post will be dedicated to paperwork - I know you can't wait!)

It was on my weekend 'to-do' list, so off I went to unpack it, set the code, and shove all of our papers inside.

I pulled her out of the box - a little small...not sure what will keep someone from coming into the apartment and walking out with the safe under their arm, but whatever.

Then, I go to read the instructions on how to set the code. 

I figured out how to get the batteries inserted.  That is all.

Me thinks that Jeffie didn't learn to read Chinese while skiing in Montana, so I will have to take the paperwork into the office and have our assistant translate it for me. 

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