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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Evil Nemesis. And, a New Love.

I have found an evil nemesis in China, but also a new love.  So, which do you want to hear about first?

Let's go with EVIL.

Yep, that's it.  Know what it is?  It's a drain that exists in each of the bathrooms near the toilet.  Seems pretty innocent enough, only it's not.
It smells.  Horribly.  And, it's an unidentifiable smell.  If you know me well, you know that I don't do well with smells - I can smell garbage that needs to be taken out a good 2 days before Jeff can...I just don't do well with smells.  Not only does it smell horribly, but the smell travels - the one in our master bath - is complaints.  The one in the hall bath and the little bathroom off the kitchen - off the charts with bad smell. 

The issue is that it's not only our apartment that does this, it's every bathroom that I've been in here.  Work, hotel, and there are comments after comments on the expat sites about this horrible smell.  I do know that it's worse when it's rainy, so I look forward to drier days.

My new love.  And, actually, it's not just my new's Jeff's, too.


We have had a difficult time finding good coffee, and know that we were completely spoiled in Melbourne.  We broke down and bought a Nespresso machine.  Jeff initially bulked at the idea because they are a bit pricey here...but, once we were in the store, I thought he was going to spring for the mac-daddy of all Nespresso machines (but he didn't).  It was very cute - and a great example of how they bring their brand to life in their stores.  He got all starry-eyed, sat down, had a cup of coffee, then went all in and qualified for their Chinese New Year promotion.

1 comment:

  1. Have you been to a water treatment plant there? I know you just said; "why?" That is what I said until - poof. Water treatment plant.
    Anyway, It is WAAY better not to know what that smell is.
    I am not looking forward to it again in March. What are y'all doing in March?
