Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Dictionary

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hongkers Randoms

Apparently people call Hong Kong "Hongkers"...Jeff hates it.  So, I say it.  :)

Here are some random photos for your enjoyment/amazement.  Your choice.
The sign says, "Poisonous Plant".  Apparently
they have to be labeled so no one pulls off the
leaves and eats them.
What you can eat, for approximately $4USD is shredded squid.  The smell
not so good. 
There are MANY nanny's in Hong Kong, and all of them have Sundays, they congregate in all of the in common areas (in the shade).
They put up these cardboard boxes as a way to not sit on the ground
and to section off their space.  They have food, games, and lots of gossip!
The world's longest escalator is in Hong Kong.  Each morning it heads
down the hill, and around 10am, it heads up the hill until the wee hours
of the morning.  
Jeff was not happy about the "World's Longest Escalator"
moniker, as it's not continuous.  You have to cross streets
and other areas so you can enter and exit.  Notice my poor
posture in this picture.
There's a free zoo in Hong Kong, and we wandered around for a bit.
I like the monkeys.
Traditional Chinese Medicine store...lots of dried fish, herbs, spices, and
bird nest.
And dried, spread-eagle lizards on a stick.

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