Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Dictionary

Saturday, June 22, 2013

4Hs - Hot, Humid, Hilly, Hong Kong

A few weeks ago, we ventured to Hong Kong for the weekend.  Hong Kong is a great city and completely different than Shanghai.
Looking to Hong Kong Island.
The Clock Tower on Kowloon Island.
Looking to Hong Kong Island during the evening light show.
Hong Kong Island.
Kowloon Island.
Hong Kong Island.
Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China.  It was a British colony until 1997, at which point it went back to China under a "one country, two systems" type policy, meaning that it has a different political system than mainland China.  It is about 430 square miles and has a population of 7 million people, making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world.  Oddly enough, even though Shanghai's population is between 4 - 6 times the population of Hong Kong, it felt VERY crowded.

In addition, Hong Kong is a vertical city - with all of those people and little land, everything goes up - add to the fact that its a mountainous island, and EVERYTHING goes up.
Hill in the back of a building at Victoria's Peak.
With high humidity and rainforest like conditions, the paved walkways
are slippery.  And, you know my balance isn't so great...
In concrete jungles, you gotta do what you gotta do with doggie doo.
Hills, hills, and more hills...these stairs/ladders are for
'slope maintenance.'
Jeff hoofing it up one of the many hills.
Since Hong Kong is only a little over a 2-hour flight, we knew we'd be there a couple of times, so we set out to explore the different parts of the city.  Later in the year...when it is a bit cooler, we'll head back to do some hikes and exploring.
If you'll notice, it is 7am and 'feels like' 97 degrees.
It. Was. Awesome.
Hong Kong is a funny city.  "Please mind your head!! If you're a
full grown pygmy!"

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