Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi Dictionary

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Got That Monkey Off My Arm

Our Aussie mate, Michael, made a pretty spontaneous decision to come visit us for a week and he got a quick introduction to the bazaar encounters one might have in China.  Shortly after his arrival, we made a longer than we thought walk for a sichuan dinner.  We turned down a street that had more beggars than we've seen anywhere and a fellow with something on a leash.  From a distance, we assumed it was a dog.  As we got closer, it turned out to be a small monkey.

We were running late for our dinner reservation and I have fully embraced the charge ahead attitude of the Chinese pedestrian (it's also in my blood from my old man).  The thought that it may not be the best idea to expeditiously make my way through the collection of people in close proximity to the monkey never crossed my mind.

The monkey jumped onto my leg.  I stopped and had two thoughts.  First, "boy I sure hope he doesn't pee on my leg."  Second, "how do I get this little guy off me without touching him?" I didn't want to hurt him by flinging him off with a leg kick.  As the second thought was processing, the little bugger made a bold move taking a hop up my leg, a second unto my torso and a third onto my arm.  It happened very quickly, but it just as quickly turned into one of those slow motion moments in my head.  I'm not sure what happened during the monkey's ascent to make him angry, but I noted a facial expression that indicated my arm may soon make the transition from jungle gym to food source and much of the concern for the well-being of the monkey dissipated.  With a quick flick of my arm, the monkey was back on the ground on all fours and I was off to dinner.

As we moved away from the monkey, Michael asked "soooooo is that normal?".  Laura and I continue to utter in disbelief "I/you had a monkey on my/your arm".

I think this is the monkey breed.  He looks cute ....
... until he makes a face like this while hugging your arm!

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