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Monday, July 15, 2013

Under Pressure

Maldives is a prime scuba diving location.  Despite both being very comfortable in the water, Laura nor I have ever tried scuba both not sure how comfortable we'd be 40ft. under water relying on a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (S.C.U.B.A).  Having read up on how great the guides are, and how spectacular the reefs are, I thought it was a prime opportunity to give it a go.  LT is usually prime for trying new things as well, but nerves threatened to derail this one.  Despite a solid pep talk from a Belgian couple and constant pressure from me, threats of cancellation persisted until we stepped foot in the scuba center.

Our instructor Atheef got right into it and had us in the water quickly working through three key maneuvers while our feet could still touch sand.  A snarf of salt water while practicing the mask clearing technique had LT on the ropes again, but she pressed on experiencing in her words "one of the coolest things I've ever done in my life!"

It is a very serene and surreal experience.  I wasn't sure it'd be much different than snorkeling, but it is incredibly calming 12.5 meters beneath the surface moving almost lazily amongst and sometimes with huge schools of fish, turtles, mouray eels, rays, and even reef sharks.  The reef was teaming with life and we floated through almost unnoticed (feels like you catch the occasional curious glance from a funny fish or two) taking in the spectacle of activity and color.

Turns out we may be going out for another dive or two and working on a certification.  LT is all in.  Truth be told, she may be better at it than me.  My ears have never been quick to equalize under pressure making me an incredibly slow descender.  And I fought some buoyancy issues from time to time.  I somehow ended up near the surface at one point, ascending probably 30ft. without even realizing it.  Atheef seemed concerned and worked quickly to get me back under control. Laura thought I had tapped out.

So I'm chalking this up as another guy trip opportunity lost.  I was certain skiing would be my opportunity to escape with the boys on occasion, unexpectedly LT fell in love with it.  Early consternation had scuba diving looking like a solid new candidate ... Laura says not so fast bucko.  Very proud of her for pushing through.

Suited up for some scuba training.
Laura going through safety exercises.
Heading over the edge of the reef to descend to 12 meters.
Laura joining a school.  Most don't get spooked
unless you make an abrupt movement.

Three of four mobula or devil rays, a smaller version of a manta
 ray, that hung out around our island.  Some mornings they'd
be active out in front of where we ate breakfast occasional flying
completely out of the water and doing flips in the air. 

Masked bannerfish

Atheef moving in to prompt the giant clam to snap shut.

The whisker-like things just below center are from a
 lionfish which has extremely venomous spiky fins.

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